Google and Apple

Google shatters forecasts and unseating Apple as the most valuable company in the world

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Yes, we should refer to it as Alphabet, but for practical and reference to the famous company issues, we still like Google. Well today the Mountain View Company has released financial results for the fourth quarter of 2015, which in turn means the fiscal year end. Something that analysts and investors awaited with great expectation, […]

Online Store Design

How to design an attractive home for your online store

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When designing an online store should start with the basics. What do our customers want? What do you expect from our website? How can we improve your user experience? Knowing what our online store must contain, before you even begin to design it, it is basic. Having resolved these doubts, we know how we have […]

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality, the ultimate immersive experience

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Creativity, dipping, sensitivity, fascination, interaction, technology and imagination are some of the many concepts that could better define which is the virtual world. The revolution, able to break the barriers of information, communication and entertainment, is represented by the projects and virtual reality devices. Perceived simulated 3D environments, through which the user can move in seconds to […]


SEO: 5 ways to improve your international strategy

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Web users have quickly adopted services like Facebook and Twitter, including. Web users have quickly adopted services like Facebook and Twitter, among other social platforms, as vehicles of communication, trade, and revolution. If businesses based in North America want to reach this audience that is constantly expanding and evolving, should then […]

Smartphone Design

Can a mobile become a work of art? The design seeks to break with the established

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In the early days of mobile phones, some designs were really original, both in color and size, keyboard, performance, opening the phone … Who does not remember the trend of making phones that fit almost in the small pocket of jeans? Or the trend of mobile shell (for its closure system), or when […]