Web users have quickly adopted services like Facebook and Twitter, including.
Web users have quickly adopted services like Facebook and Twitter, among other social platforms, as vehicles of communication, trade, and revolution. If businesses based in North America want to reach this audience that is constantly expanding and evolving, should then see how to change the strategy of international search engine optimization (ISEO.)
Like the SEO household, the SEO seeks to promote international probabilities of a given site to be on the top of the list of search results. To choose the strategies needed in Iseo is that we have prepared these 5 tips:

- Persons exceed translating machines
Even with sufficient time to review and plan, the machines can make small mistakes in the location that can leave large consequences. The pressure to do it properly through social media is exponentially greater because time is shorter commitment and expectations are high. Companies need human experts who are able to quickly identify faults in automated translations and repair them before damage occurs in key markets. This also applies to the image campaign, where you can get a totally different message if the translations are not done correctly.
- Learn vernacular keywords and optimize accordingly
Whether a user searches for information through a regional search engine, pages through Facebook or Twitter labels, the company involved has to use words or terms that the person seeking the information is used. For example, if a teenager is looking for sports shoes will use more colloquial and informal terms such as “shoes” or “tennis.”
Given that no two search engines using the same algorithms to produce results, businesses that want timely reach their potential customers will have to specialize not only in the user’s language but also in contemporary culture and technology. This is one reason why companies should adopt an integrated approach to model ISEO resulting in an adequate and consistent structure for advertising messages, pages, social media publications and search engine marketing.
- Make every character count
Improving the visibility of a site internationally, which requires knowledge of regional cultures, major local search engines, and keywords, begins with the translation. The actual location requires more than putting words in a robot throw literal interpretations. This is particularly true for global sites, but the important connotation intensifies as communication becomes more compact. Twitter restricts the length of the message, for example, making each character extremely important, particularly if one considers that the English text can expand much more when translated into other languages. Translate this platform not only it requires software solutions that save time, but also a highly qualified team.
The tweets in several languages can be a valuable tool in various communities around the world, but 140 English characters are not transformed magically in 140 characters in Arabic, for example. To communicate convincingly with multiple languages hearings through social networks, companies need a greater presence of human capital. Partnerships are central to this.
- Add a local domain and apply ISEO
The global search marketing requires a local domain and log IP, as well as recent and concise content that are related to the keywords. This requires a descriptive label, abundant resources, social media distribution and internal and external links.
These elements should consider the search habits of users and the algorithms of search engines that will be used more frequently. There is little value in taking forward a site that is not optimized with these requirements in mind. Only when the ISEO and design are made together, then business can ensure that users will find it online. This principle also applies to social media.
- Know your audience
Global Internet statistics show that 86% of Web users live outside North America. Many of them speak languages other than English, and capture their business involves a website translation quality, location and ISEO smarter. Increasingly, that business opportunity is also supported campaigns to extend multiple languages to social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
It is so good to know the terms of your audience, their concerns and their preferred platforms, so that can meet the fastest and easiest to do business with you. And also use social media to show that your company has taken the time and effort to communicate with global customers an authentic and sincere way.