What are Different Types of Challenging Behaviour?

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Challenging behaviour is a term used to describe behaviours that may be inappropriate for the context. It can include self-injurious behaviour or aggressive behaviour. These behaviours may put others’ safety at risk or prevent them from using community facilities. Although these behaviours typically involve children, adults, and people with developmental […]

What Does Conveyancing Entail?

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Conveyancing is a legal process that deals with the transfer of ownership of property. In this process, the buyer and seller enter into a contract. This contract outlines the obligations of each party, the date the transfer of ownership will occur, and other terms of the sale. The process may […]

Three Tips for Working from Home

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Working from home is something that more and more people have been doing since the pandemic. However, in order to work from home effectively, there are some things that you should do to ensure that you are as productive as you are at work, and also that you are doing […]

Three Work from Home Office Ideas

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Working from home is something that many more people are doing since the pandemic – it can be beneficial to both the employee and the employer, and a lot of people never returned to the office after lockdown. However, making sure that you have the right environment to work from […]