Online customer reviews are a powerful selling tool and one which you need to be using. Positive reviews increase sales, so you need to make those reviews easy to find. If they’re on your site, customers don’t have to leave your site to research your product. You can gather those reviews yourself, as Amazon does, or you can use a third-party reviews provider. For a small to medium-sized business, it makes sense to use a provider.
According to Forbes, including reviews and testimonials pages can substantially increase your business. Third-party providers have the expertise ready for your website designers to use. They all make sure that they only collect reviews from genuine customers of your company.
E-komi collect independent reviews which are integrated within Google Product listings. This means that the reviews show up in Google searches and can increase traffic to your website. E-komi address one of the biggest problems with online reviewing – authentication. Only people who have made a transaction with your company can post reviews, and the E-komi team check the reviews before they are published.
Revoo pride themselves on their impartiality and their experience as one of the first ratings and review services to be established. They won’t publish reviews with swearing, but they will allow reviewers to re-edit. They will also contact clients very quickly indeed in the case of a negative review, so you can respond as soon as possible and turn that negative into a positive.
Feefo are a global reviews company who offer the opportunity to use social media to improve your company’s reputation. This “digital word-of-mouth” increases the visibility and familiarity of your brand and your company. Because Feefo are such a large international company, consumers trust their reports and reviews.
All three of these companies have close partnerships with Google and can ensure that your business and your positive reviews show up in searches. To make the best use of their services, consult experts such as website designers Vizion Online about the best way to integrate their apps or services into your online business. Here are some tried and proven tactics for managing your reviews.
Even negative reviews can have a positive effect, as customers have been shown to place more trust in websites that show some negative reviews.