Do you need to quickly send very heavy files (large in terms of megabytes) via e-mail to share with your friends or collaborators, but your e-mail service does not allow you to do so because it is too large ?
No fear! Soon you will discover the best 5 services completely FREE that are right up your alley!
Yours is a very common and widespread need among network users. But today you will solve your problem for free and forever! Ready?!
Sending Heavy Files to today is a Real Problem
Although email services such as Google’s Gmail and the like have long since become much more versatile than in the past in terms of managing large files, it is unfortunately true that not all accounts are sufficiently equipped to receive or send files (audio , videos or photos) very heavy (for example 50, 100 or over 200 megabytes).
The maximum size of attachments to date in Gmail or other online mail services (Yahoo, Libero, Outlook …) is set at 25 mb. However, for most users, this limit is really tight given the advent of HD, 4K, etc.
How to solve?
Fortunately, dozens and dozens of services (completely free) that will allow you to take advantage of your personal space, a cloud storage (a virtual space) all for you to take advantage of as you wish, were born and are proliferating on the web !
You can store and store your files on the cloud in the absence of physical space on your PC or to reach them wherever you are in the world but even better, you can take advantage of this space to upload and then share large attachments via email with friends, relatives and colleagues of work!
All quickly, intuitively and – sometimes – without even needing to register.
To make it easier for you to choose more or less identical services in this mare magnum, we have analyzed and selected the best 5 large file delivery services free by email.
They are completely free and could do just the right thing for you to send heavy files via email.
Let’s see them together, one by one, in greater detail!
Google Drive – How to Send Heavy Files
If you have an email address with Gmail, you have bingo!
You will be able to send your heaviest files with disarming ease directly from Gmail thanks to the integration with its proprietary Google Drive service.
The cloud storage service that the Mountain View Company makes available to you free of charge, guaranteeing the sharing of files or attachments up to 15 GB
In short, it is a very useful product, which will allow you to limit the weight limit of attachments with Gmail (currently equal to 25 MB) allowing you to send videos, presentations and other particularly expensive contents in terms of megabytes. But how to do it?
As often happens with all Google services, the use of Drive is really very simple!
All you have to do is …
- Start composing a new message from Gmail
- Click on the Google Drive logo that you’ll find at the bottom on the right
- From here, select “Upload” and then “Select file from your computer”
- Choose the file (or files) you want to share and finally press “Load” again.
Google Drive – File Upload Directly from the Internet
Alternatively, the entire procedure can be done directly from the Google Drive site. Let’s see immediately how …
- Connected to the Google Drive service
- Once on the site click on “New” that you find at the top left
- From the pop-up menu appeared click on “Upload file”
- Select the large file you want to share and once the upload is finished, locate the file loaded on the Drive in the window
- Press the right button on the file and select “Share” and follow “Get shareable link”
- Finally press on “End”
What did you get through this procedure?
In a completely free and fast way, you now have a link that refers to your large file that you could not attach via email before because it is too heavy but you can now send it to all your friends, co-workers or relatives without problems.
Unbelievable how simple it is?
In a few moments, you have created a full share using Google’s servers. Reliability of the service at the top and a choice certainly a priority if you have a Gmail e-mail account and you don’t want to register for other services to reach your rather heavy file transfer goals.
Microsoft One Drive – How to Send Heavy Files
Another valid alternative to the combination of Google Drive and Gmail is found at Microsoft.
Specifically, we will now analyze the Microsoft One Drive service which is aimed primarily at all those who have an Outlook, Hotmail and Live e-mail address and which has an operation very similar to the Google cloud storage that we commented in the last paragraph
Of course this does not mean that you cannot still make the best use of One Drive if, for example, you have a Google account: we believe, however, that if Google Drive turns out to be the most obvious evolution of Gmail services, One Drive will be the same for mail accounts electronic of your group.
Having said that, considering that its use as an e-mail box depends on the type of service used (as already mentioned, Outlook, Hotmail or Live), let’s focus on how to use Microsoft One Drive to send large files via e-mail by directly accessing the service and take advantage of the 5 GB that Microsoft’s cloud storage can guarantee.
Microsoft One Drive – File Upload from the Internet
All you need to do is …
- Connected to the One Drive website
- Click on “Login” at the top right to access your reserved space or create your first Microsoft account
- Proceed now with the upload of your file or file folder (therefore even more documents simultaneously) simply by dragging it / them into the browser window. Alternatively, click on the Upload button at the top right of the menu and select File if you need to upload a single document or Folder if you have multiple files to upload
- Once the upload procedure is finished (the time depends mainly on the file size and the speed of your internet connection), right-click on the relevant document and select “Share” from the menu that will be shown to you.
At this point, you can choose how you want to share the file. As with Google Drive for example, you can choose a link sharing: you will not have to do anything else but click on the “Copy” button and then paste the link generated in a normal e-mail message.
The Microsoft service is rather easy to use even for those new to file sharing and is optimally integrated with the other services of the company. A good opportunity to meet your personal and professional needs in a free and intuitive way!
Dropbox – How to Send Heavy Files
If Google Drive is aimed primarily at Gmail and Microsoft One Drive users mainly Outlook, Hotmail and Live users, Dropbox is a universal cloud storage service used regardless of your email account.
But what are its features? And how can you use them to share your large files by sending them by email?
Dropbox is probably the most well known service in this special category and its appreciation is so high that despite the passing of the years and its age no longer young, it is still among the most popular in the world.
Its merits are numerous:
Let’s think about the possibility of being able to enjoy 2 GB of storage in a completely free form (which, however, you can greatly expand if you perform some simple operations such as inviting other users to subscribe to the service), the reliability of the service, its simplicity. Use, the ability to download a software that will allow you to align a PC folder with what happens in the cloud.
More concretely, you can use Dropbox entirely online either through its web-based platform, or as a sort of client: in this case, you will have to download a small software to install on your computer and – in any case – register in order to create your account free.
Beyond the road that you have chosen to follow, the procedure is almost identical.
To upload your files, simply open the Dropbox folder and upload the file (s) here via browser (of course you can also do it through the client you downloaded by copying the file to the Dropbox folder that was created during installation).
After that, click on “Share” and then indicate the e-mail address with which you want to share the file. You can also customize the message by indicating an accompanying content. Finally confirm the operation and wait a few seconds.
You have just shared your first file with Dropbox … a software that is likely to keep you company for so long!
WeTransfer – How to Send Heavy File
Another excellent cloud storage service is that offered by WeTransfer.
This is a truly incredible platform that we recommend you experiment if you need to share and send large or large files via email.
The maximum upload limit is set at 2 GB for the free version.
But his workhorse, compared to all other services, is a real gem:
WeTransfer can be used freely, no registration is required!
It is precisely this last feature that has contributed to making WeTransfer the perhaps most popular service among users and increasingly used for any personal or professional need.
In short, a great opportunity especially for you who, perhaps, don’t have very frequent sharing needs or don’t want to upload and permanently save your documents in the cloud.
That said, using WeTransfer is really easy . Let’s see how!
We Transfer – Upload Files from the Internet
- Connected to the main page of the service
- Accept the terms of use by pressing the “Accept” button
- Then click on “Add file” and select the file to share
- Enter the recipient’s e-mail address, your and a possibly (it is optional) fill in the message field with a description
- Finally click on “Transfer”.
At this point, WeTransfer will start working for you, taking care of uploading the file and reporting the download link to the interested user. The recipient, in order to download the data, will only have to click on the link and then on “Download”.
MEGA – How to Send Heavy Files
Last but not least … a service with a capital S that unfortunately many users underestimate or do not know at all.
Let’s talk about Mega and yes, it could be exactly what you are looking for.
Probably not today he will tell you anything but if we told you that he was known before with the name MegaUpload? Old dear memories, right?
Don’t worry, now it’s all absolutely legal and one thing we want to say: its power and efficiency have remained unchanged over time and it is truly an incredible portal!
To date it allows you to store and share large files even via email up to 50 GB so even here completely free after registration.
What you need to do is access the main page of the service and create your first account.
Skeptical about its operation? No problem. You can test all the features offered by Mega even without an account. Just click on the “Try without account” button.
After the registration phase, you will enter your personal space where you can drag the files you want to share with your friends and collaborators. Once this is done, you will get a link which, as for any other service presented, must be sent or communicated to whomever you wish allowing the recipient to be able to download the file (s).
If your need is to enjoy more storage space or faster transfer speed, you can opt for the subscription of one of the MEGA subscriptions starting from 4.99 dollars per month (for 200 GB of storage space) and 1TB max transfer rate) to finish with 29.99 dollars per month (for 8TB of storage space and 16GB max transfer speed).
What is the Best Free Service to Share Heavy Files via Mail?
After presenting the best 5 services for sending large files, we can draw some brief reflections that will help you identify and choose the best service to be able to share your heavy files by email with all your friends or work colleagues.
We advise you to try using WeTransfer if you have no particular needs to permanently save your files with a cloud storage service.
WeTransfer is indeed exceptional for its ease of use in sharing heavy files with your friends and your collaborators by offering you its space in a “temporary” way.
In other words, it is the ideal companion if you simply want to send a video or a series of heavy documents “on the fly” to your client and allow him to download the file within a few days.
You will notice, in fact, that the files shared with WeTransfer are reported with a date of “expiration” rather close: just enough, however, to allow the recipient of the alert to be able to organize the download in the days following the sharing.
If you want a more traditional cloud storage service and you already have an account with Google or Microsoft, you can use the respective services: they are free, they are well integrated into the e-mail service and are quite solid and reliable.
MEGA and Dropbox are two excellent alternatives, more and more used. In particular, the second is among the most widely used professional collaboration tools also on the Italian territory, and we therefore recommend that you evaluate their use: for simplicity, intuitiveness and reliability, it will certainly be a point of reference!
And you, with which service did you find yourself better? Write to us in the comments and in addition to your heavy files, remember to share our guide with all your friends.