In the computer world no one is exempt from losing at any time the most important personal or work information such as photos, reports, music or documents with sensitive and private content, etc.; for totally alien or accidental causes when using our technological devices. Regularly our PC or laptop, our Tablet and Smartphones are full of all the information that we handle daily and it is difficult to know at what moment these means can fail.
Mainly, it is our computer or the computer that has the most data, since it is more common for people to download all their information there in order to have their other devices free of memory or for more specific security reasons.
Whatever the case, it is difficult to predict the failures that our equipment can have. The erasure or loss of information can occur for many reasons ranging from accidentally delete data, to more technical and other issues such as formatting a partition, a virus infection, and re-installation of the operating system or simply an unexpected software failure affect our information.
If you are a victim of loss of information by any of the possibilities mentioned above, there is no reason to be alarmed yet. There is an excellent tool for data recovery (also known as Data Recovery) allowing restoration of any deleted or inaccessible on our PCs information, laptops, digital devices, HDDs (Hard Drive Recovery), storage media, servers, RAIDS, among others.
We are talking about EaseUS Data Recovery Software, a tool developed by EaseUS, a company dedicated to the protection of data at different levels through different specialized products developed to meet one of the main pillars of information security: AVAILABILITY. The software developed by EaseUS is trusted by large companies recognized in several sectors such as Microsoft, HP, Samsung, EPSON, among others.
The recovery software is in FREE version (free) and PRO version (paid). The free version can be downloaded from its official website. It is available in addition to Windows, for MAC, iOS, Android and an added function of Email Recovery.
The FREE version has as main limitations that you can only recover a total of 2 GB of lost data and others as limited technical support and the impossibility of retrieving information for problems related to the BOOT of the operating system.
The user interface is quite easy to use as it is intuitive and its design is fast navigation. Basically you have two screens, in the first you choose the types of data you need to recover (audio, video, document, emails, images …) and in the second screen you choose the location from which you need to recover the data.
After choosing your options, just start the Scan, which will be throwing all the files you find. Finally, just select the ones you want to have back and click on Recover. This way you will have your most precious files back.
In conclusion, EaseUS Data Recovery Software is one of those tools that can save us from a big problem or a huge shock due to the loss of our most important asset: Information. We invite you to make use of this great utility and tell us your experience.