You are determined to have your own website. You already have domain and hosting, but you don’t really know how to create a web page. Well for starters, let me tell you it is much simpler than you might think. Currently there are many tools that will allow you to develop a website from scratch and with little programming knowledge.
Options to create a web page
Broadly speaking, and counting that you are not an expert in web development and programming languages, you have two options. The first would be to use a content manager (CMS), which will give us the possibility to create, edit and update web content on a daily basis with great ease. The second possibility is to use some of the web creation platforms that flood the Internet. These use a visual editor to add content and configure the design. Now let’s take a look at some of these tools more closely.
Without a doubt, WordPress is the most popular CMS that exists. The reasons are many and varied. The first thing to say that in addition to being free, it is a simple manager to use , both in terms of web design, and the fact of being able to modify and update it later. Although you do not know how it is handled, there are thousands of web pages, courses, videos and tutorials on the Net, which teach you how to create a web page with this system. I particularly recommend it. It is very powerful and visually quite attractive.
One of the great advantages of WordPress is that many hosting already have it installed on their default servers. This open source software is always constantly updating and growing. It also uses a template system for its designs that offer infinite customization possibilities. You can build your website from start to finish without having a clue. And last but not least, it has countless plugins that will give you the possibility of adding all kinds of functionalities to your website. What more could you want!
Wix is one of the most demanded website construction platform, since it allows anyone to create a free web page, in a very intuitive, easy and fast way, and without previous programming knowledge. For this it uses HTML5 as a programming language. But the user only has to use a web editor that will allow him to personalize the content and the design in a few clicks. In just 5 minutes, you can have it ready to launch it on the Internet. With this platform, you can also open a successful online store in minutes.
To create a website with Wix, you only have to choose the template that you like the most (you have more than 12 categories available), although later you can change what you want. To customize the design, just drag and drop the elements. Then it’s time to add good content, with the text, images and videos you need. Wix also offers solutions for all types of businesses, which you can easily add to your website. When your website is ready and you are satisfied with the result, you only have to publish it.
Another of the leading platforms for creating web pages is Webnode, with more than 40 million users. It comes prepared with everything you need to shape the website you have always dreamed of, whether you want it for yourself or for your business. And it will also look great on mobile phones and tablets. Webnode puts at your disposal impressive designs for your website, with incredible templates to which you can give your personal touch. Choose your favorite and do it your way.
Let’s go now with Joomla, one of the reference web content managers when it comes to developing dynamic pages , which stand out for their features and customization capacity. One of its strengths is that it uses a friendly user interface, which greatly facilitates its management by all types of users. In addition to being open and free, it allows you to create a web page with advanced functions and without having to have just a very basic knowledge of web development. It is easy for beginners to administer and offers data storage in MySQL, with the possibility of adding additional extensions as plugins. The same is true for building a blog, as for selling products online.
Weebly is another great editor to create your website with, just drag and drop. Thanks to its guide for beginners you will have it operational in a jiffy, without knowing anything about programming languages. If you want to set up an “online” store, this solution offers you an attractive design to personalize your e-commerce and present your products. Its complete platform will be used to manage inventory and track orders. It also has advanced tools to grow faster. Its catalog of more than 200 high quality applications will help you in your day to day, to organize meetings or keep your accounts.
This CMS Prestashop is a very complete, effective, innovative and above all practical eCommerce platform, if what you want is to have an online store and develop your business on the Internet. First, select your colors, the logo and one of the professional templates that this solution has. Second, put your products and manage the orders. Then create content and share it on social networks and through a blog to increase the traffic of your store. You can configure the website in different languages and currencies in a simple way, so that your business has no borders.
One of the programs that you can use to create a web page is Jimdo. This tool uses the power of artificial intelligence to develop your fully personalized website in just three minutes. You will have an attractive and innovative website, with all the tools you need for your sector. The result is a unique website, with text and photos, completely ready to present and adapted to your business.
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