The War of the Spark, the first set of Wizards of the Coast’s new, two-set block system, is available for purchase now. The war of the spark release date was May 3, 2019. The war of the spark is about a fight between planeswalkers for control of Ravnica (the plane where most Magic: The Gathering takes place).
The War of the Spark release date
May 3, 2019. The War of the Spark is the first set in a two-set block system and was released alongside Ravnica Allegiance. Read more: Kengan ashura season 3
The story behind The War of the Spark is that two Planeswalkers, Niv-Mizzet and Ugin, are planning to take over the plane of Ravnica. Niv-Mizzet is putting together an army to take control, while Ugin has plans to use his colourless magic to remove all the opposing Planeswalkers. What makes this war difficult for both sides is that Aether Hubs keep magically rebuilding all that gets destroyed.
What’s something you didn’t know about The War of the Spark?
Something that people may not know about The War of the Spark is that it ties into other sets. There are many legendary creatures, including one for each guild’s Parun (the first Planeswalker of the guild). For example, The Black Goat is Aurelia, the Warleader, who was Rakdos’ first leader and guild master.
How do you feel about The War of the Spark?
I love that the set ties into other sets, and I’m excited to see if any familiar faces pop up when playing with Ravnica Allegiance. I also like that there are many different Planeswalkers to choose from in this set.
The War of the Spark characters
They are Niv-Mizzet and Ugin, who are both Planeswalkers. Niv-Mizzet is putting together an army to take control of Ravnica, while Ugin has plans to use his colourless magic to remove all the opposing Planeswalkers. What makes this war difficult for both sides is that Aether Hubs keep magically rebuilding all that gets destroyed.
The War of the Spark is flat-out cool. The idea of a battle for control of Ravnica and its mana, and what players can do with this set, is super promising. This will definitely be one of the more cutthroat limited formats we’ve seen in a while.
I love the narrative behind War of the Spark–it’s interesting, but it doesn’t take itself too seriously, which works well in the fiction. I also think it’s cool how they’re tying in some older Planeswalkers into this story.
The success of Magic has not gone unnoticed by Wizards of the Coast. They are aware of the success that Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and Hearthstone have had. Wizards is trying to catch up in many regards by introducing a two-set block system. They are also releasing more dramatic sets like The War of the Spark, which forces players to pay attention to them if they want to be successful in Standard play.
Wizards are looking to compete with other card games by making Magic easier to play and more exciting for players.
The War of the Spark is the first set in a two-set block system that was released alongside Ravnica Allegiance. There are many Planeswalkers to choose from, each with their own abilities to help during battle.