Our ears allow us to experience the many sounds around us, giving us both enjoyment and safety. We tend not to give it much thought, however if you have experienced hearing loss you realise how important your hearing is and how much you can struggle when it is compromised.
Some causes of hearing loss can be treated, For example, sometimes the ear can become blocked with wax, which then causes deafness – this can be treated by a professional like this ear wax removal Birmingham based clinic https://www.earwax.co.uk/ear-wax-removal-near-me/northfield-birmingham/
However, some things can lead to hearing loss which is currently not as easily treated, and one of the biggest causes of hearing loss is exposure to loud noises. Sound is measured in Decibels, and when you go over around 85 Decibels you are in the category of potential long term hearing damage. Generally speaking, the higher the decibels, the less time it can take to cause permanent damage. Things like concerts, shooting guns, and exposure to loud machinery are all things that can damage your hearing.
Some things are extremely loud and can cause damage instantly – here are some of the loudest noises on earth…
The Saturn V rocket famously took men to the moon and was a large and powerful rocket. The noise of a machine with that much power is bound to be loud, and is believed to have been around 203 Decibels
The eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 is the loudest ever recorded sound on earth, and at 310 Decibels could be heard even in Australia!
Another out of this world bang was caused by a meteorite that hit Russia in 1908 – it was not far off the noise of the Krakatoa eruption and is estimated to have been around 300 Decibels.