The key to a good kitchen refurb lies very much in the planning. If you pin down what you want, what is essential and what really matters to you, you will have far better results and a far more enjoyable process to look forward to.
What is essential?
When you work with a kitchen refurb company such as https://www.thekitchenrefurbishmentcompany.co.uk/, your contact will ask you to pin down what your needs, wants and hopes are for your kitchen remodel; for example, you might want to think about whether you want a modern or a traditional kitchen and whether you prefer plain wood or ultra-modern high-gloss finishes. This will help pin down your aesthetic and begin to shape the colour scheme and overall design.
How do you use your kitchen?
A great kitchen will not only look good but also function perfectly for your household dynamic and lifestyle; for example, you might have children who need low-level seating and rounded corners, you might love to entertain, or you might have a relative with accessibility needs. Think broadly and assess how you use your space.
Think about lighting and zoning
Lighting makes a huge difference to the way your kitchen looks. It should reinforce natural light and help to illuminate task areas, changing the ambience where you need it. This can be achieved with a dimmer switch or with flexible lighting that illuminates different areas of the kitchen according to the way you are using it.
For zoning, think about whether there are areas of the kitchen that are specifically used for defined tasks, such as prepping, cooking, chilling out, and entertaining. The right zoning will help your kitchen to feel logical and well-organised; what’s more, it will help it to function better.
Create a visual
It can help to create a mood board that sets out how your dream kitchen will look. Add pictures that capture elements you love about a dream kitchen. This will help guide the creativity of your kitchen refurb designer and achieve the finished result you dream of.